F - J

Fabian - bean grower

Fanchon - betrothed, whimsical

Faris - horseman/night

Farrell - of proven courage

Favian - brave man

Feoras - Smooth Rock

Ferdinand - to be courageous

Fernaco - daring

Ferrol - Iron Ring

Finley - fair haired one

Finley - sunbeam

Finn - fair

Flavian - yellow, blonde

Fletcher - arrow maker

Floyd - The Hollow

Flynn - heir to the red headed

Ford - river crossing

Fordon - to destroy

Forrest/Forrester - of the woods, forest

Galen - calm, tranquil

Gallagher - eager helper

Gareth - gentle

Garren/Garron - guardian

Garret/Garrett - to watch

Garth - A Field, Garden

Gary - spear/spearman

George - farmer

Gerald - brave

Gerald - spear warrior

Gerodi - hero or hill

Gideon - great warrior

Gilbert - trusted

Giles - youthful, bearded one/shield bearer

Giulio - youthful

Glen - A Secluded, Woody Valley

Gordon - Triangular Hill

Gowon - rainmaker

Grady - of high rank

Grant - great

Grayson - son of the grey haired one

Gregory - vigilante, watchman

Grover - from the grove

Gunnar - brave soldier

Gunther - warrior

Gwydion - God of war

Hades - God of death

Halen - Hall

Hamilton - from the beautiful mountain

Harley - archer; deer hunter

Hayden - son of the rose-hedged valley

Heimdall - Guardian of Asgard

Herbert - bright, excellent army or ruler

Holt - son of unspoiled forests/wood

Howard - guardian of the home

Hubert - shining of mind

Hugh - brilliant mind or spirit

Hunter - a hunter

Hyperion - God of primordial light

Indira - God of heaven and thunderstorms

Indra - God of rain and thunder

Iram - shining

Irma - God of War

Irving - handsome and fair

Iryl - Play of Colours

Jaali - powerful

Jabari - fearless

Jabilo - medicine man

Jabir - comforter

Jafar - a little stream

Jamal/Jamar - handsome

James - the supplanter

Janus - God of passage

Jared - ruler

Jarvis - a conqueror

Jason - healer

Jericho - Moon City

Jolon - valley of the dead oaks

Joren - farmer

Jorn - vigilant, watchman

Julius - youthful, downy bearded one